Jumat, 27 Maret 2020

Wake Up Call

Selamat malam all..

Sedikit sharing..
Pas lagi liat instagram dan liat postingan ini dan baca nama-nama yang ikut doa bersama Wake Up Call besok saya merasa connect..

Suzette Hattingh itu pendoa syafaatnya almarhum Reinhard Bonnke.. Saya dari dulu sering banget denger namanya.. Ehhh satu kali dia bikin doa di pluit.. Wuihhh langsung dateng dan luar biasa banget emang kita pas doa sama-sama.. Waktu itu khusus doain Indonesia.. Beliau hatinya untuk Papua.. diminta Tuhan stay di Papua.. Bikin sekolah-sekolah di Papua.. Tapi Tuhan bilang Papua itu bagian dari Indonesia jadi harus doain Indonesia juga.. Inget banget pas itu kita doa dan deklarasi agar terang Tuhan turun atas Jakarta atas Indonesia.. Kita mengawal pilpres terakhir kemarin.. Ini ayat yg kita deklarasikan waktu itu :

Daniel 2:21-22 (TB) 
Dia mengubah saat dan waktu, Dia memecat raja dan mengangkat raja, Dia memberi hikmat kepada orang bijaksana dan pengetahuan kepada orang yang berpengertian;
Dialah yang menyingkapkan hal-hal yang tidak terduga dan yang tersembunyi, Dia tahu apa yang ada di dalam gelap, dan terang ada pada-Nya.

Inget banget ga lama setelah itu terkuaklah kasus Ratna Sarumpaet itu.. God is awesome!!!

Terus yang Rick Ridding (Jerusalem) Tuhan pertemukan sama saya waktu saya mau minta link dan didoain sama Pak Tony Mulia dari Jaringan Doa Nasional sebelum doa keliling di Papua tahun 2015.. Sehabis ibadah di House of Worship kami diinfokan bahwa sorenya akan ada praise and worship bersama hambaNya Rick Ridding dari Jerusalem. Akhirnya saya dan teman-teman jadi ikutan praise and worship bareng.. Saya dan team yg berangkat didoakan dan diurapi sama beliau dan istrinya.. Wow privilege banget Tuhan kasih..

HambaNya Rick Ridding cerita beliau buat pujian dan penyembahan non stop 24 jam dari 3 generasi..  Anak2, pemuda dan orangtua di Succat Hallel Jerusalem.. Dan Tuhan taruhkan di hatinya bangkitkan pujian penyembahan 3 generasi di Indonesia..

Itu makanya Roh Kudus gerakin saya sama mama dan nenek saya doa sama-sama di rumah.. Confirmation waktu ketemu hambaNya Rick Ridding.. How great is our God!!

This is the time for us.. To be united in prayer and in worship..

All the glory to our beloved God!!  Jesus bless you all 😇😇💝💝

Senin, 23 Maret 2020

Oceans (where feet may fail)

He reminds me again to keep our faith .. God reminds me again to continue to BELIEVE through this song ..

Even though God seems to have brought us into the sea.. A place where we cannot do anything as a human.. We are weak and cannot even survive..

And in our minds we will definitely choose to swim and try to float so as not to sink. Especially in the middle of the sea is the place I dislike the most, I'm uncomfortable and make me feel scared as a human..

But God reminds us, if we use our own thoughts and ways that will only make us feel tired .. And maybe finally despair because of our limitations ..

And once again He said, TRUST ME! While reaching out His hand to hold my hand .. Because He wanted to take me deeper into the vast ocean to show me how beautiful the underwater scenery that I had never seen before ..

Every now and then he looked at me and smiled as if trying to convince me everything would be okay because he was with me ..

Even though it might not be easy for us to trust and surrender to all the conditions and situations that exist today but that is only the best choice you can choose right now dear friends ..

He is still the same God, who made Moses split the sea ...

He remains the same God who provided the pillar of cloud and pillar of fire for the Israelites for 40 years in the wilderness ..

He is still the same God who feeds 5000 men and their families with only 5 breads and 2 fishes ..

He is still the same God whose heart is full of compassion for the sick, the blind to see, the lame walk, the lepers become clean, even the dead are raised!

He is a POWERFUL GOD !! ALMIGHTY GOD !! And He never change !! Don't change first, now and forever!

He is working on miraculous and extraordinary things in my life, in your life, for Indonesia and for all nations.

Thy kingdom come
Thy will be done
On earth as it is in heaven

Praise, honor and glory for the name of the Lord Jesus Christ! Immanuel! 🙏🙏🙏💝💝💝🔥🔥🔥https://youtu.be/6GGFb6LcX3U