Kamis, 31 Desember 2015

Love Letter to my Prince

Good morning my lovely Prince.. just wanna say THANKYOU SO MUCH for every single thing that happened in my life this year.. 😊😉😘

ThankYOU for every pain, disappointing, and struggle that makes me stronger..

ThankYOU for every happiness, surprise, and miracle that make me realize that You are always there with me..

I'm so glad to know and to have such a wonderful Bestfriend, Brother, Lover, and God like You Jesus.. You always know how to touch my heart and make my heart smile..❤❤❤

I want to let go every pain and bad memories in 2015.. and i want to go forward with You again in 2016.. Let Your will be done in my life!

You are my Prince of peace and Lover of my soul.. i am TOTALLY YOURS!! Can't hardly wait to spend my next journey with YOU.. i love YOU! 😘❤💋

Your beloved,

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